Sowden SoftBrew™ Tea


TEA - Sowden SoftBrew™ - porcelain pot, stainless steel SoftBrew™ filter and lid


Put your desired amount of loose leaf tea into the filter according to your taste


Pour over the water, making sure all the tea is covered by the water


Leave to brew as you normally would


That’s it!


Take out the filter with the used tea leaves


Shake out the used tea leaves into your organic waste - no paper, plastic or aluminium to throw away -

see under war on waste


Rinse the filter under warm water and dry


How it works – Sowden SoftBrew™ Teapot - a simple infusion method for brewing tea.

For hundreds of years, the finest teapots in the world have been made without provisions for filters of any kind – be they small nets, clasps or wasteful tea bags. The reason being that the tea leaves must have room to expand and unfurl in order to properly release the full range of their flavours.

The Sowden SoftBrew™ teapot improves this timeless, simple functionality by introducing a beautiful piece of advanced micro-engineering into the heart of the pot - the Sowden SoftBrew™ filter, whose generous dimensions allow the tea leaves the same freedom as that of filter-less pots, as well as being easily removable and cleanable - functionality, which simplifies the ritual of preparing a nice cup of loose leaf tea. Remember real tea?
